Reform UK: The Best Option for British Christians
Concerning the most significant political issues of the present which are absolute rather than prudential, Reform UK is about as solid as a contemporary political party is likely to be.
Just War, Traditionalism, and Realism
The “realism” school of foreign policy—formerly called “realpolitik”—is contrary to the traditional understanding of just wars.
Tridentine and Proud
Criticism of “Tridentine Catholicism” by modernists and even some defenders of the ancient Roman liturgy leads me to think the term should be embraced as a badge of honor.
Our Exaggerated Concern for “Community”
The Church today is suffering from a false prioritization of “community” and “relationships” above institutions and laws, leading to a vilification of devout Catholics and an undermining of sexual morality.
When Bishops Put Obedience Above Charity
The role of a bishop is not to be as obedient as possible; it is to sanctify his people as much as essential obedience allows.
The Joy of Benign Misanthropy
Now “community” is often treated as virtually essential by Catholics from the most traditionalist to the most modern. But is this hyper-focus on community necessary?
Hatred of Traditional Hierarchy—The Democrats’ Link from the Old South to “Anti-Racism”
Republicans’ and Democrats’ rival interpretations of the relationship between their parties’ past and present racial policies are well-known. Republicans stress their predecessors’ role in the elimination of slavery and their party’s consistent support for racially neutral law—arguing that Democrats have merely changed which race they legally privilege. Democrats claim racial neutrality was a “first step” … Read more
Will the Bishops Confront Biden?
When an Episcopalian cleric–cum-Dartmouth professor criticizes the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, it’s a safe bet our prelates have done something right. Indeed, such a man—one Randall Balmer—wrote an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times titled, “In What Moral Universe Does Biden Require a Catholic Task Force when Trump Got a Free Pass?” No need … Read more
A Devotion to Defend Against ‘Revolutionary Men’
Regardless of who wins the presidency, the more “centrist” wing of the Democratic Party has taken a substantial hit in the third Congressional election year in a row. Against all media expectations, Republicans picked up congressional seats. So did the Democrats’ radical, socialistic wing that is now trying to push Joe Biden to the left … Read more
Cardinal Hummes’s Radical Bedfellows
The faithful laity had reason to be wary of the Amazon synod before it even began—if only because a well-known ally of liberation theologians like Cláudio Cardinal Hummes was appointed first to the pre-synodal council and then as relator general of the synod itself. And yet, at least outside Latin America, such concerns have focused … Read more
Will Catholic Charismatics Embrace the Latin Mass?
I have recently seen a handful of stories about clergy and religious with a strong background in the charismatic movement coming to embrace the Tridentine Mass without abandoning their charismatic orientation. This includes an article published by Catholic Herald about the charismatic Franciscans of the Holy Spirit learning the old liturgy and a personal account … Read more
Practicing Christians Who Don’t Believe
Most of us have probably wondered why people who clearly do not believe in Catholicism choose to remain within the Church, actively working to undermine its doctrines, structures, and practices. I have thought of more and more such reasons as time has gone on, some of whose validity has recently been confirmed by my reading … Read more
How “Right-Wing Populism” Succeeded in Austria
It might be supposed that it would be usual for major organs of the media to give something along the lines of regular acclaim to a person who has become the first millennial to head a European government, who is the youngest head of government in the world, who is the youngest individual ever to … Read more