Jeffrey Cimmino

Jeffrey Cimmino is a Senior Contributor at Crisis. He has previously worked for The Washington Examiner, The Washington Free Beacon, and National Review.

recent articles

Towards a Catholic Politics

A recent survey commissioned by EWTN News shed light on political fragmentation among American Catholics. Reading through the poll prompts the question of whether a unified Catholic politics is possible. Declan Leary recently lamented in these pages that American Catholics apparently “have no interest strong enough to transcend party bonds and operate politically as Catholics,” and … Read more

What Soleimani’s Death Means for Middle-Eastern Christians

The Trump administration’s decision to kill Iranian general Qasem Soleimani eliminated a longtime opponent of American interests in the Middle East, but also raised questions about how the strike integrates with the United States’ support for religious minorities in the volatile region. President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have prioritized … Read more

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