Jennifer Hartline

Jennifer Hartline is a wife, mother, and a daughter of the Church. She is a contributor to The Stream, Catholic Stand, and Catholic Online.

recent articles

Mama Told Us So

Catholics know wicked and perverted men in the hierarchy protect and promote one another, and we know they do not care what we think or how we feel. But we pray that some at least will begin to fight against the evil in their midst.

A Different Kind of Catholic

I’m an angry, disgusted Catholic these days. I’m stunned, horrified, furious, and grieved. But the way is narrow, the Cross is calling, and I want to finish the race marked out for me. I cannot do it without the Church.


Loyola Marymount University and the Loss of Faithfulness

The Second Book of Maccabees presents us with the incredible story of Eleazar, “one of the scribes in high position, a man now advanced in age and of noble presence.” The Greek conquerors told the Israelites: eat swine or go to the rack. Given the choice between violating the commandments of God or death, Eleazar … Read more

Ted Lieu

A Petulant Rebellion

You must admit, it’s incredible. Even in a Church that has two thousand years of history, it’s incredible. The Catholic Church in America, the Catholic bishops and all the laity, are being lectured to about Church teaching by a bunch of heretics. The bishops and priests of the Church are being chastised for even talking … Read more


Your Excellencies, Do You Even Believe?

The learned and the mighty have been weighing in now for weeks regarding the ongoing scandal of Catholic pro-abortion politicians, particularly Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden, and the question of giving and receiving the Holy Eucharist. I wonder if the USCCB will listen to a voice like mine. I am not a theologian … Read more

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