Jeffrey Hart

Jeffrey Peter Hart (born 1930 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American cultural critic, essayist, columnist, and Professor Emeritus of English at Dartmouth College.

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The World of Ideas: But Does It Fly

Victorian England witnessed a debate, carried on with intellectual force and high elegance. T.H. Huxley emerged as the champion of science, armed with the potent new doctrines of Charles Darwin. The towering figure of John Henry Newman defended the claims of religion in countless essays and in books that have become classics, such as the … Read more

Belief and Unbelief II: Sam Brody, True Believer

When I was an undergraduate at Columbia, Sam Brody struck me as one of the most entertaining and interesting men I had ever met. Of course “Brody” wasn’t his real name. It was his Communist Party name. He probably had some Slavic name containing far more syllables. At the time I knew him, he was … Read more

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