John F. Harvey

John F. Harvey, O.S.F.S., is founder and director of the support group Courage.

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Crises, Tidings, & Revelations: Courage

In November, 1978, the late Terence Cardinal Cook of New York invited me to come to the archdiocese to establish a spiritual support system for men and women with homosexual orientation who desired to live chastely. With the help of Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., and others, I began our first meeting in September, 1980 at … Read more

Priests Who Stray: We Must Aid, Not Neglect Them

In recent decades, the Church in America has suffered numerous scandals involving priests and religious who sexually abuse children. All too often, the public learns that an abuser, once discovered, was allowed simply to flee to another ministry, where the pattern of abuse and flight was repeated. Such cases constitute serious neglect by Church authorities, … Read more

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