Are We Doomed to Forever Wars?
After Biden’s Regime Change in Syria, Trump Can Still Save the Middle East from “Forever Wars”
After Biden’s Regime Change in Syria, Trump Can Still Save the Middle East from “Forever Wars”
The Deep State is trying to start a world war—and they might get what they want. But if they fail, the public mandate for peace under President Trump will become even greater.
Lawmakers should repay the Amish for serving our country by exempting them from selective service.
For Trump, the world isn’t a war of all against all where America competes thoughtlessly against adversaries over resources. His program is to create a unipolar, stable world stage where vulnerable people have reason to trust our leadership.
Too many conservatives refuse to criticize the state of Israel, letting the blood of Palestinian children protect them from being cancelled.
In spite of growing evidence of injuries caused by Covid vaccines, Big Pharma and WHO are devising a strategy to push vaccines around the world.
Most major Catholic commentators on the border crisis have for decades played the part of Judas, offering impersonal and meaningless kisses to the image of God imprinted on every raped, massacred, and ignored victim of our unsecured border.
Yesterday’s Michigan primary, in which the one-time dark horse Rick Santorum came within a hairsbreadth of beating Mitt Romney in his home state (his father was its governor) will have the elites in Republican party circles racing frantically for their checkbooks, in the hope of putting out the prairie fire that is Santorum’s burgeoning candidacy … Read more
Should prolife voters support Mitt Romney? By this I first mean “in the primaries” of course, but beyond that I mean to ask “ever.” Conversely, supporters of legal abortion should be equally repulsed by the former Massachusetts governor—as should anyone who takes the abortion issue seriously, or who wishes for a president possessed of a … Read more
For most of you this weekend contains a date you’ll never forget, along the lines of September 11, or December 7 — anniversaries of profound wounds to our country as a whole, even if we didn’t lose a relative in those surprise attacks or the wars that ensued. For millions of Americans, however, January 22 … Read more
As we all learned in grammar school, we’re coming up on the day when we show our gratitude for all the blessings God has showered upon our country. If we had good teachers, we learned to think of more than just the natural resources and easily conquered lands, and more than a blandly defined “democracy.” … Read more
One of the most insightful things I’ve ever read about America is G.K. Chesterton’s quip that it is “a nation with the soul of a church.” It’s a comment that cuts two ways. Chesterton made it at a time when the U.S. enforced on its citizens the unjust laws of Prohibition. That policy had been … Read more
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, the voters of Mississippi will have a very rare privilege in today’s America, so much of which is governed by unelected judges and unaccountable bureaucrats, where so many basic issues seem invulnerable to change: Those voters will have the chance to make an existential decision, to vote with a flip … Read more
If you had to use just a single word to express the human condition, which would you choose? This isn’t a Cosmopolitan Magazine quiz, so think for a moment before you fill in the blank. Maybe take out a pen and make a list. Weigh your options against each other, and see if you can … Read more
It was a brilliant summer day in a world at peace. The world’s superpowers, once locked into conflict by irreconcilable ideologies, were now alike committed to stable, prosperous co-existence. Their vast military establishments, they said, existed solely for self-defense. Except in a few backward lands, horsetrading had replaced brinksmanship. New industrial and information technologies were … Read more