J. L. Callaghan

J. L. Callaghan is the pseudonym of a layman active in Catholic affairs.

recent articles

Clericalism, Anti-Clericalism, and the Decline in Vocations

Since the late 1960’s, the decline in the number of vocations to the priesthood has received a lot of publicity. The Catholic press and the secular news media have frequently reported alarming statistics about the current vocations “crisis” and the severe shortage of priests that is to come as today’s clergy leave the active ministry … Read more

Holy Symbols: An Antidote for the Vocations Malaise

In a previous article (Catholicism in Crisis, Feb. 1984), I described the vocations “malaise”: vague feelings of uneasiness in the face of the declining number of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. I also indicated that I think this malaise, which has reached epidemic proportions in our church, results from a fundamental doubt about … Read more

Vocations: Crisis or Malaise?

For the past several years, the Catholic press and the secular news media have reported alarming statistics about the decline in the number of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This decline is normally referred to as the vocations “crisis.” The term “crisis” connotes a time for decision making. It suggests that we are … Read more

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