Most Rev. John J. Myers

John Joseph Myers (born 1941 in Earlville, Illinois) is the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark (New Jersey, USA) and the Ecclesiastical Superior of Turks and Caicos. He was previously Bishop of Peoria.

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The Church vs. The Culture: The Score Thus Far

Pundits from every background have suggested a plethora of quick fixes in response to the scandals that have afflicted the Church. The ordination of women, an end to celibacy, changes in the structure of Church governance, “openness” to questions of human sexuality, and more “democracy” in the Church—we’ve heard them all. But these nostrums have … Read more

Catch the Spirit: Missionaries for the Twenty-first Century

This article is adapted from an address to the Women for Faith and Family and the Consortium Perfectas Caritatis. Who is called to missionary activity? The answer is quite clearly stated in the documents of the Second Vatican Council (Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegration, Ad Gentes, Apostolicam Actuositatem, among others) in the apostolic exhortations Evangelii Nuntiundi … Read more

The Limits of Dissent: Abortion and Catholic Obligation

At the conclusion of his 1987 pastoral visit to the United States of America, Pope John Paul II challenged us, as Americans, to live completely the noble precepts of our Constitution by respecting the rights and dignity of every human being: “For this reason, America, your deepest identity and truest character as a nation is … Read more

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