Johann Christoph Arnold

Johann Christoph Arnold’s books have sold over 350,000 copies in twenty languages. An outspoken social critic, he has addressed gatherings throughout the world. Born in 1940 to war resisters driven out of Nazi Germany, Arnold’s parents fled Europe and settled in Paraguay. At fourteen, he moved to New York, where he has lived ever since. He and his wife, Verena, have eight children with more than three dozen grandchildren. His most recent book is Why Children Matter

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For Every Child, a Father

Writing about Mother’s Day is a joy. But writing about Father’s Day is sadder and more difficult. Today more than half ofU.S. children spend at least a part of their childhoods living apart from their fathers.  How do we do justice to Father’s Day in an increasingly fatherless society? I had a good father, and … Read more

The Unborn Child

The nine months of waiting for a baby can deepen a couple’s relationship and bring them closer to each other than any other time in their marriage. Especially for a young couple looking forward to their first child, there is a sense of excitement and the thrill of the unknown – a strange mixture of … Read more

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