John A. Monaco

John A. Monaco is a doctoral student in theology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA, and a Visiting Scholar with the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University of Steubenville.

recent articles

Are We All Schismatics Now?

Today, the word “schismatic” is often thrown as an epithet to describe one’s ecclesial enemies, but the term has a historical meaning that should not be forgotten.

Shia LaBeouf Finds the Pearl of Great Price

LaBeouf’s attraction to Catholicism came from his immersion into the Church’s life. No pastoral program, no bishops’ conference initiative, no academic monograph “sold” him the Faith.

The “Catholic Case for Biden” That Never Was

The “Catholic case for Biden” was always an attempt to subvert the hierarchy of moral issues and to either equivocate or deny the preeminence of abortion as the gravest moral evil of our day.

The Church of the Papal Fiat

Treating the pope as a “super-bishop” who is the only necessary member of the Church militant is a crime against sound theology.


Surviving “Synodality”

For years now, ordinary Catholics have been barraged with a number of trendy buzzwords and catchy slogans: “A listening Church,” “accompaniment,” “pastoral,” and more. While these words are not necessarily wrong or inappropriate for ecclesial discourse, they often serve as a Trojan horse through which heterodoxy and heteropraxy emerge. As preparation for the “Synod on … Read more


The Unquestionable Council

There exists in many Catholic circles a general obsession with the Second Vatican Council, one that pervades every single aspect of Catholic life. Whether liberal or conservative, progressive or traditionalist—all must somehow reckon with Vatican II. How we worship, what we believe, how to view the world—all of these things are, for the average practicing … Read more


The Kiss of Judas

We’re all aware of the heated dispute inside the Catholic Church regarding whether baptized Catholic pro-abortion politicians—and in particular, President Joe Biden—should be admitted to Holy Communion. Instead of treading over well-worn territory, I want to turn to the liturgy, which, as the late Benedictine theologian Aidan Kavanagh defined, is “the faith of the Church in … Read more


The Catholic Response to “Pride Month”

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School— the Jesuit-run high school which famously disobeyed the Archdiocese of Indianapolis over its refusal to fire a teacher in a same-sex union— continues to pride itself in its LGBT inclusivity. The school, which is named after a Jesuit martyr tortured and killed for preaching the Faith to the Iroquois (something that … Read more

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