Joseph and Marie Meaney

Joseph Meaney is the new President of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. He earned his doctorate in bioethics from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome in 2015. Marie Meaney received her doctorate and an M. Phil. in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford. She is the author of Simone Weil’s Apologetic Use of Literature: Her Christological Interpretations of Classic Greek Texts (Oxford University Press, 2007). Before returning to the United States in 2019, the Meaney family lived for several years in Paris, France.

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Restore Notre Dame as the Spiritual Center of Paris

Notre Dame brûle! (“Our Lady is burning!”) News flashes and sirens spread this horrible news Monday night at the start of Holy Week 2019. One of the most beautiful and iconic cathedrals in the world, visited by more people than any other monument in Europe or the world, was engulfed in flames during the most … Read more

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