Joseph Nicolosi

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi (1947 – 2017) was the founder of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic and president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. His books were recently banned by Amazon, but they remain available at

recent articles

The Traumatic Foundation of Gender Dysphoria

We live in a culture that says you can become—and, in fact, are— whatever you think you are, so few people dare question the transgender person’s idea of reality. Of course, it’s possible that nature may in some rare instances “cross-wire” a male by feminizing his brain before birth so he feels more like a … Read more

The Traumatic Foundation of Male Homosexuality

As a psychologist treating homosexually oriented men, I’ve watched with dismay as the LGBT movement has convinced the world that “gay” requires a revised understanding of the human person. The psychological profession is much to blame for this shift. Once, it was generally agreed that normality is “that which functions in accordance with its design.” … Read more

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