Blessed Pope John Paul II

Blessed John Paul II was the 264th Pope.

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The Galileo Affair: At the Crossroads of Religion and Science

Editor’s note: The following article is an excerpt from Pope John Paul’s recent speech to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. It addresses the controversial, and much-misunderstood, Galileo condemnation, which is now officially void. A twofold question is at the heart of the debate of which Galileo was the center. The first is of the epistemological … Read more

A New Fusionism: Are Science and Religion Compatible?

Editor’s note: Pope John Paul II prepared the following reflection for a Vatican conference to commemorate the tricentennial of the publication of Newton’s Principia. Is the Community of world religions, including the Church, ready to enter into a more thorough-going dialogue with the scientific community, a dialogue in which the integrity of both religion and … Read more

The Pope Speaks to U. S. Bishops

On September 5, 1983, at Castelgandolfo, Pope John Paul II addressed the following words to twenty-three American bishops who were making their ad limina visit. The Pope spoke in English. The experience of the whole postconciliar life of the church confirms just how much the renewal willed by the Second Vatican Council depends on the … Read more

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