Janet E. Smith

Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., is a retired professor of moral theology.

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Catholicism in Uganda

Catholicism is everywhere in Uganda, but the Church faces challenges there as elsewhere.

Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part II

In Uganda, although there is a healthy understanding of the wrongness of homosexual acts, there is little understanding of its causes and the proper Christian response to homosexuals.

Pontifical Academy for Life: Personal Values Reign Supreme

The conclusion of a recent book published by the Pontifical Academy for Life is not the result of a different evaluation of the purpose of the marital act but of a radically different view of what constitutes the moral goodness or evil of any action.

The Fall of Roe Can Bring Healing

The millions of women who have had abortions, and those who performed abortions, are all in need of healing, the true healing that only Our Savior Jesus can bring.

The Cover-Up Continues

A priest credibly accused of ritual satanic sexual abuse is living and ministering at a well-known, well-respected institution that houses hundreds of vulnerable boys and girls, and officials do nothing.

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