Keith Burris

In 1983, Keith Burris was with Washington and Jefferson, Washington, PA

recent articles

The Revival of Public Philosophy

(Notes on George F. Will’s Statecraft as Soulcraft) I am of (at least) two minds about George F. Will. He writes with grace. As a former professor of political philosophy, his perceptions and opinions are grounded in an informed world view. He has a keen eye for fraud. Will is the finest of the columnist, … Read more

Election Reform and Collective Representation

America was never meant or expected to be a democracy like ancient Athens, and it has, perhaps, occasionally fallen short of what founders like Jefferson, Paine, and Adams hoped for. But ours has been the most optimistic and successful experiment in liberty of man’s history. The experiment has been sustained by two great traditions and … Read more

Notes on Father’s Day

Recently, in Parade Magazine, a writer whom I admire, Larry King, described the rigors of Fatherhood at 50. It is, he concluded, both a wonder and a grind. Family life is both sublime and prosaic. Other writers as dissimilar to King as to each other, like Hannah Arendt and Graham Greene, have written of the … Read more

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