Linda Chavez

Linda Chavez is chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a nonprofit public policy research organization in Falls Church, Va. She also writes a weekly syndicated column for Creators Syndicate that appears in newspapers across the country and is a political analyst for Fox News Channel. Chavez has held a number of appointed positions, among them chairman, National Commission on Migrant Education (1988-1992); White House Director of Public Liaison (1985); Staff Director of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (1983-1985); and she was a member of the Administrative Conference of the United States (1984-1986). Chavez was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senator from Maryland in 1986. In 1992, she was elected by the United Nations' Human Rights Commission to serve a four-year term as U.S. Expert to the U.N. Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

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