Francis X. Maier

Francis X. Maier, the father of four, writes from Philadelphia.

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Crisis, Church Reform, and the Lay Vocation

A dozen or so years ago, a colleague gave me a little wooden plaque for my office. I’ve had it on my bookshelf ever since. On it are carved these words: “It is as bad as you think, and they are out to get you.” The colleague who gave it to me is a Capuchin … Read more

Shakedown: How Catholics Are Getting Ripped Off in the Name of Justice

In this Crisis Magazine classic, Francis Maier reveals the way lawyers and anti-Catholic politicians are exploiting the sex abuse scandal to rob the Church.  We got a new law passed in California that opens up the statute of limitations for all victims of sexual abuse. It’s something we’ve been trying to do in several states for … Read more

Criticize a Bishop? Not So Fast

In this special Crisis Magazine Point/Counterpoint, Deal W. Hudson and Francis X. Maier, the chancellor of the Archdiocese of Denver, discuss and debate whether a Catholic may criticize a bishop publicly. Is it a violation of canon law? Must Catholic journalists avoid scandal or bad news or anything that shows the Church in a bad … Read more

The Videogame Filmmaker

Picture a man in his late 50s, wearing headphones and cackling hysterically at a computer screen. That pretty much captures the image my wife remembers of my first encounter with machinima 15 months ago. After 37 years of marriage, my bride has resigned herself to some odd behavior from her mate, but I rarely laugh … Read more

How Catholics Are Getting Ripped Off in the Name of Justice

We got a new law passed in California that opens up the statute of limitations for all victims of sexual abuse. It’s something we’ve been try­ing to do in several states for years. And I’m not waiting for it to click in. I’m suing the sh—t out of [the Catholic Church] everywhere: in Sacramento, in … Read more

Biting the Bullet: Military Conscription and the Price of Citizenship

A tip to travelers: Avoid Zekistan. It has crummy tourist amenities and lethal concentrations of lead. I found this out back in June, patrolling one side of a city street in the country’s capital. I was hunting for fedayeen with Alpha Team, a stick of four light infantry troopers. Across the street, Bravo Team did … Read more

Biting the Bullet: Military Conscription and the Price of Citizenship

  A tip to travelers: Avoid Zekistan. It has crummy tourist amenities and lethal concentrations of lead. I found this out back in June, patrolling one side of a city street in the country’s capital. I was hunting for fedayeen with Alpha Team, a stick of four light infantry troopers. Across the street, Bravo Team … Read more

Why Video Games are Great…and Scary

Coming soon to your local video-game store: beautiful, brainless robot women that your 14-year-old son can train and manipulate in the family room. N.U.D.E.@ (Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment), developed by RED Entertainment and Microsoft, will launch in Japan in the first half of 2003. U.S. release may soon follow. The previews are, uh, interesting. This, … Read more

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