Pierre Manent

Pierre Manent teaches political philosophy at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and, as a visiting professor, at Boston College.

recent articles

Modern Individualism

On the last page of the final chapter of Democracy in America, Tocqueville summarizes the comparison he has just drawn between the new democracy and the old order as follows: “They are like two distinct humanities.” This is very much the feeling experienced by the partisans as well as the opponents of the modern democratic … Read more

Modern Individualism

On the last page of the final chapter of Democracy in America, Tocqueville summarizes the comparison he has just drawn between the new democracy and the old order as follows: “They are like to distinct humanities.” This is very much the feeling experienced by the partisans as well as the opponents of the modern democratic … Read more

Christianity and Democracy: Some Remarks on the Political History of Religion,
 Or, On the Religious History of Modern Politics (Part II)

[Editor’s note: Part I of Christianity and Democracy ran in the January issue.] Democracy and religion according to Tocqueville Tocqueville, like most liberals of the XIXth century, has the feeling that there was something artificial and violent, artificially violent, if it can be put that way, in the hostility that the XVIIIth century exhibited towards … Read more

Christianity and Democracy

Some Remarks on the Political History of Religion,
Or, On the Religious History of Modern Politics 
translated by Daniel J. Mahoney and Paul Seaton [Editor’s note: Part II of Christianity and Democracy will run in the February issue.] Whoever compares the relations that obtain today between democracy and Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church, with what they … Read more

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