Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman is a Catholic journalist and the author and translator of The Book of Gomorrah and St. Peter Damian's Struggle Against Ecclesiastical Corruption, (2015). His award-winning articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, London Sunday Times, LifeSite News, Catholic World Report, the National Catholic Register, and many other publications. He holds an M.A. in Philosophy from Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

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New Book Raises Doubts About Fatima Conspiracy Theories

The harrowing visions of Lucia de Jesus dos Santos and her two cousins in Fatima in 1917, and the famous secrets entrusted to the three seers by the Blessed Virgin Mary, have long been the subject of speculation and controversy, which in recent years seem to have reached a fever pitch. Following the revelation of … Read more

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