Mary Ellen Bork

Mary Ellen Bork is a freelance writer and lecturer on issues affecting Catholic life and culture. She serves on the Advisory Board of the School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, and Christendom College. She is on the Susan B. Anthony List, and the Chesterton Review. For several years she has facilitated groups studying Pope John Paul II’s theology of the body. She is doing research on Catholic leaders during the English Reformation and sixteenth century Catholic religious leaders. Her articles appear in the National Catholic Register, The Washington Times, Voices, and The New Criterion.

recent articles

Biden vs. Bork, 1988: Democrats Smear a SCOTUS Nominee

Editor’s note: this article originally appeared in the May 1988 print edition of Crisis. It has been edited for brevity. Many people have asked me what it was like to live through the nomination and hearings of my husband, Robert Bork. I usually answer that it was like being besieged in a battle where the reinforcements … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Approaching a Watershed

For most of us, political conventions signal three more months of intense political campaigning before our national life can return to normal. For candidates and political parties, conventions are quadrennial party rituals, replete with debates, caucuses, nominations, and more speeches. For Catholics, the 1996 conventions present an opportunity to take a serious look at the … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Neutering America

President Clinton’s Department of Justice is urging the Supreme Court to make a momentous change in the law governing allowable gender distinctions between the sexes. If the department succeeds the result would be to outlaw almost all distinctions between men and women in programs and institutions run or aided by government. That would include public … Read more

Catholics at Beijing

Many more Catholic women will attend the Fourth UN Conference on Women in Beijing (August 30 — September 15) than went to the Cairo Conference. In a forum hostile to the Church, and in spite of a United States delegation led by radical feminists, these women will articulate and defend Catholic teaching. As official delegates … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Beyond Assimilation

The Catholic Campaign for America was founded because Catholics need a greater voice in the cultural and political debates dividing our country. In the battle between Biblical values and the radical left Catholics, who make up one quarter of the population, need to engage in the discussion that will decide the future of American society. … Read more

The New Women Activists: Four Who Are Paving the Way

Countering the pervasive feminist influence in American culture is no easy task, but someone has to do it if traditional American and Catholic principles are to be preserved. Who better to take up this task than orthodox Catholic women schooled in faith with years of experience of what makes families work? Feminists promote “liberation” through … Read more

An Ordeal to Remember: The Attack on My Husband, Robert H. Bork

Many people any people have asked me what it was like to live through the nomination and hearings of my husband, Bob Bork. I usually answer that it was like being besieged in a battle where the reinforcements were not informed there was a war. It was a traumatic and exhausting experience of unwarranted vilification. … Read more

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