Michael A. Ferguson

Michael A. "Mike" Ferguson (born 1970) is an American Republican Party politician who served as member of the United States House of Representatives representing New Jersey's 7th congressional district from 2001 to 2009.

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Catholic Campaign: Good Head Start

By the time most of you read this, I will be wedded to the lovely Maureen. Planning our wedding was much more of an ordeal than I had ever imagined. In the months leading up to our wedding, friends would ask me every day, “How are the plans coming along?” To which I would reply, … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Partial-Birth Politics

Polls show that relatively few voters cast their ballots on the abortion issue alone. Even though they vote pro-life by a margin of 2 to 1, it seems impossible that abortion could end up being the most important issue this fall. But for those familiar with partial-birth abortions, it’s not hard to imagine. The Partial-Birth … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Urban Renewal in the 90s

One of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life was teaching high school in the Bronx. The students at Mount St. Michael Academy on E. 241st Street come from typical urban families, many of them racial and ethnic minorities. They do whatever it takes both to survive in the city and to receive … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Parental Rights

In 1995, the first session of the 104th Congress was dominated by economic discussions and the battle to balance the budget. This was to be expected since the issue was the centerpiece of the “Contract With America.” Social conservatives and pro-family organizations were told to sit tight and be patient, and that the second session … Read more

Catholic Campaign: A Clear Voice

This month we head into 1996 and begin the countdown to the celebration of the millennium in earnest. In recent years the Holy Father has made it clear that our Church’s preparation for the Jubilee Year 2000 must be one of individual spiritual renewal and recommitment to faith. A firm grounding in faith is the … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Approaching the Poor

There are swirling and volatile policy debates in Washington these days about the plight of the poor and how to alleviate the problems that poverty creates in our society. The budget battles on Capitol Hill suggest that there are two options for the fiscal and sociological sanity of the nation: either we must balance the … Read more

Catholic Campaign: Why Catholics Support School Choice

Education reform has become one of the most public and controversial issues facing our country today. The recent trials and tribulations of Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson and his school choice program are evidence that Americans recognize the need for improving our nation’s schools, but that the best method for doing so is less certain. Thompson’s … Read more

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