Michael Schwartz

Michael Schwartz was a steadfast advocate for the Catholic Church and pro-family policies in Washington, D.C., and a good friend of The Cardinal Newman Society. Schwartz served more than a decade as chief of staff to pro-life Senator Tom Coburn after many years at the Free Congress Foundation. He was instrumental to the founding of The Cardinal Newman Society in 1993 and served on the Advisory Board for many years. On January 25, Schwartz was recognized for his lifetime of pro-life leadership by the National Pro-Life Religious Council. He passed away in 2013.

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Economics 101 for Bishops: How to Provide a Just Wage for Working Families

The principle of the living wage and the principle of subsidiarity are the most distinctive tenets of Catholic social doctrine. The Church’s teaching on the living wage received its classic formulation in Pope Leo XIII’s great encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891). Since then, every pontiff has reaffirmed the moral necessity of a living wage. According to … Read more

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