Billionaires and Visas
Immigration reform is a complicated business, often related to the inherent contradictions in our economic system. There are many unemployed, but there are also surpluses of jobs that are not filled.
Immigration reform is a complicated business, often related to the inherent contradictions in our economic system. There are many unemployed, but there are also surpluses of jobs that are not filled.
Assisted suicide is legalized in Britain, and we can’t pretend there wouldn’t be support for it in other Western countries, including the United States.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be the most pro-abortion Republican appointed secretary of HHS in modern history.
The contrived “shocker” ending of “Conclave” hearkens back to the legend of Pope Joan, which has always been a favorite of the disaffected and rabidly anti-Catholic Protestants.
The so-called wars of religion were usually about conversion, not extermination. Conversion is certainly not a goal evident in the present Middle East conflict.
Two recurring motifs of the presidential campaign dominate: the lying and the assumption that hardly anyone can doubt the social utility of killing babies in the womb.
There is a certain pastoral discretion required in an official visit to another country. However, discretion does not mean minimizing or relativizing the Gospel.
Debates ideally are supposed to clarify positions and contrast ideas. The exercise that Trump and Harris were engaged in during their first debate was all about rhetoric.
Trump did not say he merely would tolerate the Brave New World of laboratory babies; he says now that he would make the government pay for anyone who wanted to conceive a family in a petri dish.
From the Vatican’s embrace of a socialist dictator to Cardinal Cupich’s scandalous invocation at the Democratic National Convention, we find ourselves without leaders to guide us.
The Neo-paganism evident in the expensive show put on for the opening of the Olympics was just another example in a long history of official French ultra-secularist de-Christianization.
The manipulation of our system by corporations and plutocrats in ways against the Common Good hampers us to a frustration that is almost metaphysical. However, we are responsible for the government.
Conservative Fr. Paul Mankowski, S.J. was silenced while liberal dissident Jesuits like Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J. were allowed to even run for Congress.
The pope is a pastor more than a thinker. We cannot expect the intellectual rigor of either of his two most recent predecessors. But am I the only one who feels like this “two steps forward, two steps back” is a little confusing?
Seeking celebrity acceptance sacrifices seriousness and credibility. It is sad when leadership in the Church shows star-struck, stage door behavior.
The use of the courts for political ends is not new, but the Biden administration’s persecution of the pro-life movement and now Donald Trump has further undermined my confidence in a system so vulnerable to the prejudices of practitioners.
One of St. Damien of Molokai’s strongest defenders was the non-Catholic novelist Robert Louis Stevenson.
Dignitas Infinita displays a dangerous naiveté about a supposed consensus of moral thinking.
The biggest problem of the participation of women in the leadership of the Church today is frankly being ignored: the decline of active religious life.
If the nonsense at St. Patrick’s had happened on my watch, I think I would have stopped the whole carnival, turned off the microphones and lights, and called the cops.