Patrick Novecosky

Patrick Novecosky is a media relations professional and freelance writer. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and five children. His new book is 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World (Our Sunday Visitor, 2020).

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Joe Biden Is No JP2

From his first Mass as pope to the last days of his life, John Paul II often repeated what became a primary theme of his pontificate: “Be not afraid!” At the heart of this call was that all people — Christians and non-Christians — should not fear to open their hearts completely to Jesus Christ, … Read more

Don’t Blame the Gun, Your Eminence

Nobody blamed the truck when 29-year-old Uzbek national Sayfullo Saipov rented a pickup from Home Depot 18 months ago and deliberately mowed down a dozen pedestrians and bicyclists in New York City, killing eight. There was no lobbying for background checks or more laws around vehicle rentals. Yet every time there’s a mass shooting, political … Read more

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