Peter J. Colosi

Dr. Peter J. Colosi is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI.

recent articles

The HHS Mandate: What Now, In Light of the Supreme Court Ruling?

In this third and final part of my series I will: (1) comment on the relation between the Supreme Court ruling and the HHS Mandate; (2) outline a set of reasons given by Cardinal Dolan for which the Bishops are reticent to speak on contraception, and offer a comment to each; and (3) offer some … Read more

The HHS Mandate: This is About Contraception

The Global Picture  As we all know, there are forces at the highest level of global politics and industry working towards the goal of spreading “reproductive rights.” Back in 1995 in The Gospel of Life (pars. 16 – 17), Pope John Paul II described the situation like this: The Pharaoh of old, haunted by the … Read more

The HHS Mandate: A Question of Religious Freedom or the Life Issues?

Editor’s note: This is the first of a three part article that will discuss the current approach of the US Bishops in order to thank them and praise their efforts, while at the same time pointing out a certain oversight in their approach.  Following parts will look at the reasons not often mentioned for which the … Read more

False Premises

Earlier this month in a Catholic Exchange piece I said that those in support of the HHS mandate think that the Catholic position prohibiting contraception is irrational; I failed to mention that they also think the prohibition is immoral. This is why, in addition to focusing primarily on religious freedom, we must also directly address contraception. I … Read more

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