Philip Lawler

Philip F. Lawler, a former editor of Crisis Magazine, is the author most recently, of Contagious Faith: Why the Church Must Spread Hope, Not Fear, in a Pandemic.

Books by Philip Lawler

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USCC Watch: On Representing Catholics

During the past several weeks, I have spoken privately with a few critics of this column, and critics of the American Catholic Conference. I don’t intend to use this space to continue our arguments; on the contrary, I hope they notice that their criticisms have some effect. But I do think it might be helpful … Read more

USCC Watch: Bishops As Political Practitioners

By now every Catholic—everyone who can read—has seen reports about the bishops’ pastoral letter on economics. And extensive analyses are sure to come. For now, just a few quick observations. First and foremost, the document discussed at the bishops’ November meeting was a first draft. It was not a definitive statement. Indeed, the bishops repeatedly … Read more

USCC Watch Crow and Kudos

Thanksgiving is barely past, and already there is another bird on my menu. I think it’s time for me to eat crow. In the middle of November, the American bishops met here in Washington to discuss the first draft of their pastoral letter on the American economy. For almost a year, I had confidently predicted … Read more

USCC Watch: A Saboteur at the USCC?

As usual, the weather in Washington was unbearable during August. But the heat was particularly intense around the headquarters of the U.S. Catholic Conference. And as usual, the hottest topic of all was Nicaragua. Readers of this column will recall that, some months ago USCC spokesman Tom Quigley had announced that the Church in Nicaragua … Read more

USCC Watch: Selective Sources

Several months ago, in this column, I criticized the USCC’s choice of a speaker for an annual meeting: a comparatively obscure Congresswoman by the name of Geraldine Ferraro. Apart from her ardent support for government-sponsored abortion, I hadn’t noticed anything extraordinary about Miss Ferraro. Apparently the USCC staff had noticed something that I missed. Which … Read more

USCC Watch: Bishop-Bashing — A Cautionary Note

Sometime about a year ago, the National Committee of Catholic Laymen (150 East 35th Street, New York 10016) issued a brilliant little pamphlet by William Gavin entitled The Politics of God. On one level, Gavin’s essay was a short, readable history of the life and struggles of St. Athanasius. But the particular appeal of the … Read more

USCC Watch: The Bishops at the White House

If Ronald Reagan has decided that he can never trust the bishops again, I can’t say I blame him. Late in April, President Reagan invited the leadership of the American bishops’ conference to the White House for a luncheon and a series of briefings on topics of mutual interest. Among the guests were the nation’s … Read more

USCC Watch: Bishop Revelo Speaks For Himself

The month of March brought El Salvador to the headlines, especially among religious groups in the political arena. While dozens of self-proclaimed experts claimed to speak on behalf of the Church in El Salvador, the American Catholic Conference took a novel approach: we actually invited a representative of the Salvadorean Church to speak for himself. … Read more

Resettling Refugees: USCC’s Yeoman Service

Anti-Catholic hatred is still one of America’s more popular forms of bigotry. The evidence shows up persistently: in the vitriolic speeches of Jimmy Swaggert, or the ubiquitous posters (claiming that the Vatican secretly owns…everything) and leaflets distributed by Tony Alamo, or the cartoons of Jack Chick. And the same sort of hatred shows up, equally … Read more

USCC Watch: Setting the Agenda

On paper, the powers of the U.S.C.C. look meager indeed. The national staff has no authority over diocesan leaders — no power to issue orders for a nationwide strategy. The U.S.C.C. exists only to provide “support services” to the local Catholic organizations across the country — to act as a conduit for information, suggestions, and … Read more

USCC Watch: New Appointments

All winter long the rumor mills were churning. When the Pope appoints a new bishop or archbishop, there are no primary elections or party caucuses for Vatican-watchers to follow; there are only rumors. So dozens of self-appointed experts were offering their speculations about the likely candidates for the vacant episcopal seats in Boston and New … Read more

USCC Watch: Report on Bishops’ November Meeting

When the bishops met in Washington last November, three interesting items were on the agenda, and one was not. So let’s begin with the item that was not on the NCCB agenda: the fate of Father Bryan Hehir. Father Hehir, as nearly everyone knows, was the staff director for the bishops’ committee that wrote the … Read more

U.S.C.C. Watch: A Brief Tour Through the U.S.C.C.

During the last calendar year, as the bishops’ statements on nuclear weapons generated scare headlines, thousands of American Catholic laymen suddenly realized for the first time that their bishops wield a great deal of political clout. That realization was long overdue. Bishops have been addressing political questions since the first Pentecost, and in this country … Read more

The Twilight of Socialism

Surprise! We are told that the Pope is a socialist. In this, apparently, he is like his predecessors, Paul VI and John XXIII. If recent history is any indication, American political liberals will claim the Pope as their ally. And docile conservatives, making no effort to dispute that claim, will grumble that the Pope doesn’t … Read more

Regina Pacis, Ora Pro Nobis

Each morning, as I stroll to my office, I come within sight of two noted Washington landmarks. To my right, close at hand, is the dome of the Capitol. To my left, a few miles away, is the complementary dome of the National Shrine. As we all know, that Shrine is consecrated to the Immaculate … Read more

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