The Irreplaceable Role of Fathers
The modern world has declared that children not only do not need a father or to be fathered but that a woman or multiple women can be a substitute for a father.
The modern world has declared that children not only do not need a father or to be fathered but that a woman or multiple women can be a substitute for a father.
The meta-narrative of the ungodly is rather soul crushing. How can we begin to counter this narrative arc, to re-present the truth of the human person as a complex, mysterious, purposefully-crafted being made by God?
Though we have achieved a victory, these are still the times that try men’s souls. The-end-justifies-the-means Left has been dealt a blow; but like Bilbo in the cave of Smaug this is just the awakening.
I ducked into the church for a weekday Mass taking place in the late afternoon. I was a visitor to the parish and have, since then, had no opportunity to return. The low ceilings and darkness were suffocating, and the slices of sun that shot through the oblong, rectangular windows did little but draw one’s … Read more
Nearly 100 years ago my great-great grandfather, T.T. Martin, descended upon Dayton, Tennessee, in the heat of July. Typically, his evangelical fame would have been enough to draw crowds in any Southern town he may have visited, but in this particular case, he was following the crowd. They needed his perspective, his vision, his truth, … Read more
I’ll never forget the look in that engineer’s eyes when he interrupted the professor. “Wow,” he exclaimed, “I get it, I get it!” I know what he was feeling because I felt it too. It was as if the final nail in a bridge between islands in my mind had been hammered home. The class … Read more