Philip Primeau

Philip Primeau’s work has appeared in Catholic World Report, Aleteia, Catholic Exchange, and Homiletic & Pastoral Review, among other places. His devotional poetry is found at He may be contacted at primeau.philip1 -at- gmail -dot-com.

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A Little Hatred Might Yet Save Us

We are always asking the question, “What went wrong with the Church?” There is an answer too rarely considered: we abandoned hatred of the world.

Toward the New Ecumenism

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The West’s moral darkness has advanced under the cover of the very slogans now tossed about by those courting Armageddon abroad. Freedom! Democracy! Freedom—to do what? Democracy—to achieve what?

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The Evangelization of the Jewish People

“Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’” (Isaiah 40:9) In 2015, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Nostra aetate, the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews issued a document entitled “The Gifts and the Calling of God Are Irrevocable” (hereafter, GC). Although some years have passed since its publication, this text still … Read more

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