A Little Hatred Might Yet Save Us
We are always asking the question, “What went wrong with the Church?” There is an answer too rarely considered: we abandoned hatred of the world.
We are always asking the question, “What went wrong with the Church?” There is an answer too rarely considered: we abandoned hatred of the world.
The recently-released and synodal-inspired “National Synthesis” by the USCCB has nothing to do with the Catholic Faith as traditionally received, understood, professed, and practiced.
The Old Ecumenism has failed. What we need today is a New Ecumenism, dedicated to unity via full communion with the Catholic Church.
We must temper our passions, which are naturally aroused by the horrifying butchery perpetrated by Hamas and its allies. We must pursue clarity amid calamity, especially since the crisis is not at our doorstep.
Within the pope’s response to the recent dubia there is a statement that threatens to undermine the Church’s ability to make definitive definitions about doctrine.
If by some chance Donald Trump loses the GOP nomination, he’s likely to run as an independent candidate, thus throwing the whole election into even further chaos.
Dennis Prager insinuated that the doctrine of Christ is foreign to the doctrine of Moses and the Prophets. Such a notion not only denigrates the Lord as a misguided innovator but also impugns Moses and the Prophets by diminishing their sublime teaching.
The West’s moral darkness has advanced under the cover of the very slogans now tossed about by those courting Armageddon abroad. Freedom! Democracy! Freedom—to do what? Democracy—to achieve what?
“Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’” (Isaiah 40:9) In 2015, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Nostra aetate, the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews issued a document entitled “The Gifts and the Calling of God Are Irrevocable” (hereafter, GC). Although some years have passed since its publication, this text still … Read more