Raymond Arroyo

A longtime fixture at EWTN and the biographer of Mother Angelica, Raymond Arroyo resides in Northern Virginia with his wife Rebecca and their three children. He is currently working on a mystery series and an original musical.

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Clinton’s Catholic Strategy

He came to explain his Bosnia policy to the nation on November 27th. But sitting in the glare of television lights, clutching his hands for dear life, the president interrupted his Oval Office address for a bit of campaigning. His target was the Catholic vote. “A few weeks ago, I was privileged to spend some … Read more

The Devotion of Aaron Neville

New Orleans. Wet bodies press close in the pit. Their faces red from the daylong parades, the tourists have come to usher in Mardi Gras with New Orleans musical royalty. Like the mosquitoes outside thirsting for a fresh taste of life, the drunk, the sober, and the merely tipsy crowd the House of Blues stage. … Read more

The Devotion of Aaron Neville

New Orleans. Wet bodies press close in the pit. Their faces red from the daylong parades, the tourists have come to usher in Mardi Gras with New Orleans musical royalty. Like the mosquitoes outside thirsting for a fresh taste of life, the drunk, the sober, and the merely tipsy crowd the House of Blues stage. … Read more

Theater: Trouble in Revival City: Taps for the Music Man

Oh, we got trouble my friend / Trouble at the Neil Simon Theater / Oh, I bet you’re wonderin’ what could be the matter with a saccharine-sweet, apple pie, all-American, brass-band, flag-waving show like The Music Man? How ’bout the lead? Yes, my friends, Susan Stroman’s truly glorious revival of Meredith Willson’s musical chestnut has … Read more

Stage: Gay Old Time

There was a time when one could find challenging and touching work off-Broadway. I am sorry to report that time is passing. After seeing two celebrated off-Broadway plays, I am convinced that theater is morphing into propaganda, a tiresome Johnny One Note. Where universal human experience was once explored, the new off-Broadway prefers to reflect … Read more

Stage: Barrymore—The Last Round of “Clown Prince”

Drunkard watching is a dangerous sport. One is never quite sure whether to guffaw at the poor soul, or cry for help. Any audience attending Christopher Plummer’s brilliant star turn in Barrymore at the Music Box Theatre will have a similar reaction. The piece itself, if the truth be known is uneven—but so is the … Read more

Media Watch: Selling Sex on MTV

When a void is created through negligence or fear, something is bound to rush in and fill it. For too long the Church and her members have been stone silent as a pernicious, decadent rot has overtaken the consciences of the young. Where morality and decency once governed, chaos now reigns. Catechesis has all but … Read more

Mother Angelica and the Pain of Providence

The asthma was back. The heavy coughing that convulses her body beneath the habit, the tightening of the chest, the drowning struggle to pull in another gasp of air—still Mother Mary Angelica was determined to make her show. With potentially forty-one million households counting on her, she couldn’t stay in bed. As host of the … Read more

Clinton’s Catholic Strategy

He came to explain his Bosnia policy to the nation on November 27th. But sitting in the glare of television lights, clutching his hands for dear life, the president interrupted his Oval Office address for a bit of campaigning. His target was the Catholic vote. “A few weeks ago, I was privileged to spend some … Read more

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