Robert F. Gorman

Robert F. Gorman is University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, and deacon in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. His most recent books include What’s Wrong with Global Governance? (2016) and Toward the Common Good: A Catholic Critique of the Discipline of Political Science (2011).

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Open Border Advocates Downplay Human Trafficking

At the dawn of systematic political thought, Aristotle conceived of the state as the natural social institution responsible for security and justice—the family and the village being too small to secure its members from the menaces of the wicked. The state guaranteed, above all, the security of a country, its people, and its territory. But … Read more

On the Prudence of Borders

Advocates for open borders argue that guarded and regulated borders are signs of closed societies and ultimately a violation of the dignity and rights of persons to move wherever they wish to work, live, seek welfare assistance, and especially seek asylum from violent societies. But often overlooked in this new globalist creed is the right … Read more

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