Robert Lowry Clinton

Robert Lowry Clinton is Professor and Chair Emeritus in the Department of Political Science at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and Adjunct Professor of Political Science at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. He is the author of Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review and God and Man in the Law: The Foundations of Anglo-American Constitutionalism, as well as numerous academic articles and book chapters. In addition to scholarly journals, Dr. Clinton has appeared in numerous popular periodicals such as First Things, National Review Online, Public Discourse, and New Oxford Review.

recent articles

Materialism, Positivism and the Politics of Modern Science

I was pleased to read in Crisis “The Origins of Modern Materialism,” in which Theodore Rebard notes the rediscovery of Lucretius’s De Rerum Natura in 1417 and its subsequent employment by Descartes, Hobbes and other modern philosophers in their efforts to formulate a modern synthesis of knowledge based on quantifiability. Professor Rebard also points to some … Read more

The Real Culprit is Our Outlaw Judiciary

In a recent issue of Crisis Magazine, Jennifer Roback Morse gave three reasons why religious liberty arguments do not seem to be working for conservatives in their battle to save traditional marriage. First, many people no longer believe in God, and thus simply don’t care much about religious liberty. Second, we are asking people to … Read more

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