Robert Nisbet

Dr. Nisbet taught Sociology at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, was Adjunct Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and is regarded as one of the genuinely original thinkers in the conservative movement. He authored several books including The Quest for Community and Twilight of Authority.

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The Urgent Need for The Next Great Idea

Robert Nisbet’s (1913-1996) The Present Age is a jeremiad arguably more potent now than when it was published. Written in 1988, this excerpt is in part a call for the genius with the next great idea to please step forward, the revolution is dangerously overdue. When he wrote it, Reagan’s second term was ending not … Read more

Opposing the Servile State: Belloc & the Free Society

Editor’s Note: The following essay originally appeared as the Introduction to Hilaire Belloc’s classic work. The Servile State, published by Liberty Classics (7440 N. Shadeland, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250). It is reprinted here with the kind permission of Mr. Nisbet and the publisher. Very early in the first chapter Hilaire Belloc defines J the servile state: … Read more

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