John Rossomando

John Rossomando is a journalist in Philadelphia.

recent articles

Back to the Roots: The Founders and the Separation of Church and State

The cry, “That violates the separation of church and state!” has been the centerpiece of the secularist drive to marginalize Christianity in the public sphere since the 1940s. The real — and often neglected — question is what precisely that separation means and how it should be interpreted and applied. The secularists’ interpretation of the … Read more

Back to the Roots: The Founders and the Separation of Church and State

The cry, ‘That violates the separation of church and state!” has been the centerpiece of the secularist drive to marginalize Christianity in the public sphere since the 1940s. The real—and often neglected— question is what precisely that separation means and how it should be interpreted and applied. The secularists’ interpretation of the establishment clause—the line … Read more

Why Blue-Collar Catholics Won’t Vote Republican

Florida might not be synonymous with hand counts and butterfly ballots if Catholics in Pennsylvania had preferred George W. Bush to Al Gore in Election 2000. If Bush had won the Catholic vote in Pennsylvania, he would have carried that key swing state, garnering almost enough (just two short) Republican electoral votes to win the … Read more

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