Ryan Everson

Ryan Everson is a commentary intern for Washington Examiner and an editor for Lone Conservative. He is also an Alliance Defending Freedom Areté Academy Delegate and a contributor to Live Action News, Catholic Link, Equal Rights Institute Blog, and The Catholic Sun.

recent articles

Why Pro-life Incrementalism Is Dead

One of the heated intra-conservative debates of late is over the benefits of different pro-life political strategies. Should the pro-life movement push for more moderate bills such as 14-week bans, or should it adopt Alabama’s approach and ban nearly everything? Should it adopt an incrementalist approach or an absolutist approach? There is a large consensus … Read more

Pro-Abortion Politician to Speak at Boston College

The Boston College Law School has invited Congressman Robert Scott (D-VA) to speak at its spring commencement ceremony. Many universities, including Catholic schools such as Boston College, invite politicians to speak at commencement ceremonies, and Scott’s status as an alumnus of Boston College would seem to make him a fitting choice for this honor. However, … Read more

The Time Has Come to Ban Campus Porn

Throughout April, universities across the nation held events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. These initiatives are intended to shed light on an incredibly troubling issue and encourage students to look out for each other. Such events are clearly well-intentioned efforts to address a grave societal ill; however, the approach fostered by such events is not … Read more

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