Stephen Kokx

Stephen Kokx is an adjunct professor of political science, a featured columnist at, and a blogger for Follow him on twitter @StephenKokx.

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What Your Pew Choice Might be Telling You

Have you ever gone to Mass and wanted to be somewhere else? Have you ever gone and loved every second of it? I have. And on both occasions I sat in two entirely different locations. When I was an undergraduate, I rarely attended Mass. I was spiritually adrift and couldn’t bear the thought of listening to … Read more

Social Justice and Catholic Higher Education

It seems to be in vogue to write about one’s alma mater these days. blogger Lauren Hoedeman recently defended the University of Notre Dame by calling on those who discount the school’s Catholicity to reconsider their assertions. In a similar fashion, First Things junior fellow and Georgetown University alum Matthew Cantirino lamented that even though he was proud to attend … Read more

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