Stephen Muff

Stephen Muff is a graduate of Biola University and Ave Maria School of Law who recently earned a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. He is the author of The Journals of Josiah Fisk (2011) and his articles have appeared in such print publications as Catholic Answers and Celebrate Life, and online at California Catholic Daily and LifeSiteNews.

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If Charles Martel Were Alive Today

Sunday was the 1,276-year anniversary of the death of Charles, King of the Franks. Charles, who won the decisive victory at the Battle of Tours against the Umayyad Caliphate (an Islamic state), gained the nickname “Martel,” meaning “the Hammer.” This battle was the beginning of the expulsion of Islam from, and victory of Christendom over, … Read more

Orthodox-Catholic Cooperation a New Sign of Hope

The Body of Christ is in critical condition. The “two lungs” of the Church—the East and West, the Orthodox and Catholics—have largely failed to draw breath together since the Great Schism in 1054. Similar to an autoimmune disease, one body has fought itself. It is time, as Blessed John Paul II states in his encyclical, … Read more

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