Steve Greene

Steve Greene is Director of Kino Catechetical Institute at the Diocese of Phoenix, and co-host, with his wife, Becky, of The Catholic Conversation radio show, which airs on Immaculate Heart Radio in Phoenix, and is podcasted on iTunes and at For the past 13 years, he has taught Catholic theology, philosophy and ethics, as well as St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, for a variety of institutions.

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Attack on TV Couple Recalls a Chik-Fil-A Story of Solidarity

As I clicked through and read the outrage-mongering BuzzFeed article that launched the sham controversy over the personal beliefs of Chip and Joanna Gaines, co-hosts of the show “Fixer Upper” on HGTV, I was transported back to 2012, and another event that prompted national outcry against the alleged enemies of diversity, tolerance, and open-mindedness. On … Read more

Wikileaks Reminds Us Why the Left Opposes Catholicism

When Wikileaks recently dumped the cache of emails featuring Clinton staffers and allies mocking Catholics, and plotting a revolutionary “Catholic Spring,” I was neither shocked nor outraged. Granted, it is a little irritating to discover that the agenda-makers on the left look at you as though you were something they had just fished out of … Read more

Be Hopeful, Despite Everything

It is always a little sad when the miracle doesn’t happen. So, when the Supreme Court waved its magic gavel last summer and rhetorically ended the citizens’ debate over the newly discovered “right” to same-sex “marriage,” the decision was greeted with frustration and a deep sense of betrayal on the part of many faithful Catholics. … Read more

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