Steven Tucker

Steven Tucker is a U.K.-based writer whose work has appeared online and in print worldwide. His latest book, Hitler’s & Stalin’s Misuse of Science, examines the similarities between the ideologically corrupted sciences of the Soviets and Nazis and the equally ideologically corrupted woke sciences of today. He formerly taught in an English Catholic high school.

recent articles

Medical Miracles: Religious and Secular

The latest official Church recognition of a miracle cure from Lourdes reminds us that there are still certain ailments left in life that no ordinary doctor can treat.

100% Proof Spirits? G.K. Chesterton and Belief in Ghosts

The fact that seasonal stories of spooks and specters are now spoken of in terms of “proof” and “evidence,” not simple “belief” and “faith,” is symptomatic of a wider spiritual malaise in our society—one first spotted by G.K. Chesterton over a century ago.

The Mother Church: Turning God Trans

Current rumblings about the introduction of deaconesses into the Catholic faith as a potential prelude to the ordination of female priests are as nothing compared to the latest gender-crazy news from the Church of England.

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