Mark Stricherz

Mark Stricherz is the author of Why the Democrats Are Blue: Secular Liberalism and the Decline of the People's Party.

recent articles

A Terrible Misunderstanding: Why the Polls Distort Roe v. Wade

In June 2000, the Los Angeles Times released a poll that found Americans “evenly split” regarding Roe v. Wade, one of the two 1973 Supreme Court rulings that created a constitutional right to abortion. Forty-three percent of respondents indicated that they approved of the decision, while 42 percent disapproved. At the time, the Times’s poll … Read more

Playing the Politics: Inside The Bishops’ Conference, Part II

The U.S. Catholic bishops used to be called the Democratic Party at prayer. Actually, they’re more like pro-life Democrats. So why don’t they promote the gospel of life? When my parents were growing up in the 1950s, one of their regular prayers as Catholics was for “the conversion of Russia.” This took various forms. My … Read more

Why George Orwell Was Pro-Life

More than three decades after the legalization of M abortion, the story line has barely changed…. Granted, technology, especially the increasing sophistication of ultrasound, is altering the debate. But if some disinterested screenwriter right now were to turn the script into a movie, what would it most closely resemble? I’d put my money on Inherit … Read more

Blood on Their Hands: Exposing Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians

“Pro-choice” Catholic politicians support abortion mostly for political reasons. The U.S. bishops say this is unacceptable. So why do they accept it? “Do you know what the Negro is?” Leander H. Perez once asked in 1965. “Animals right out [of] the jungle. Passion. Welfare. Easy life. That’s the Negro.” As a state judge and political … Read more

Blood on Their Hands: Exposing Pro-abortion Catholic Politicians

“Pro-choice” Catholic politicians support abortion mostly for political reasons. The U.S. bishops say this is unacceptable. So why do they accept it?   “Do you know what the Negro is?” Leander H. Perez once asked in 1965. “Animals right out [of] the jungle. Passion. Welfare. Easy life. That’s the Negro.” As a state judge and … Read more

Bonding with Baby: Why Ultrasound Is Turning Women against Abortion

His baby had seemed real to him from the moment when Rosemary spoke of abortion; but it had been a reality without visual shape-something that happened in the dark and was only important after it happened. But here was the actual process taking place. Here was the poor ugly thing, no bigger than a gooseberry, … Read more

Bonding With Baby: Why Ultrasound Is Turning Women Against Abortion

His baby had seemed real to him from the moment when Rosemary spoke of abortion; but it had been a reality without visual shape—something that happened in the dark and was only important after it happened. But here was the actual process taking place. Here was the poor ugly thing, no bigger than a gooseberry, … Read more

Casey’s Heirs: Plight of the Pro-Life Democrat

Congress was out of session on January 22, but Representative Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat and coauthor of legislation to ban human cloning, had arrived at his office in the House Rayburn Building around 8 a.m. From his window, you could see morning commuters heading off to work on 1-395. Stupak was here early to … Read more

Casey’s Heirs: The Plight of the Pro-Life Democrat

Congress was out of session on January 22, but Representative Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat and coauthor of legislation to ban human cloning, had arrived at his office in the House Rayburn Building around 8 a.m. From his window, you could see morning commuters heading off to work on I-395. Stupak was here early to … Read more

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