Susanna Spencer

Susanna Spencer received her MA in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. She happily cares for her three young daughters and her husband in St. Paul, MN. You can learn more about her at her blog Living With Lady Philosophy.

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The Importance of Myths and Fairy Tales for Christian Children

Many Christians believe that pagan myths and fairy tales are detrimental to Christian children. They fear that children will be lead astray from their upbringing, but really myths and fairy tales provide a foundation from which to build a Christian education. I was questioned myself by a well-meaning, Catholic relative, who had been asked by … Read more

Popularity of Latin Liturgy is Not “Unfortunate”

In an article on the website Millennials, sponsored by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, William Bornhoft accuses “TLM Millennials” of hindering the new evangelization by favoring the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Bornhoft, a recent college graduate, makes a number of groundless assertions about TLM supporters and about the liturgical reform promulgated at the … Read more

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