Scott Walter

Scott Walter is executive vice president of the Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C. He also heads Campion Consulting, which provides philanthropic consulting for donors in the fields of education, civic literacy, and aid to the underprivileged; and customized writing for nonprofits and businesses. A graduate of Georgetown University, Scott lives with his wife, Erica, and their four children in Maryland.

recent articles

Crises, Tidings, and Revelations: Undemocratic Vistas at the New York Times

In Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy launched himself into the spotlight with a warning to the nation that the Department of State employed 205 Communists. He declined to offer those names to the public. On November 28, 1994, Brent Staples revealed on the New York Times editorial page that our … Read more

Talking with Mr. Percy

Walker Percy was certainly a gentleman, but not necessarily the last one. He probably thought it a gentleman’s duty to try to ensure he’s not the last, and so he was magnanimous enough to leave a legacy to his fellow travelers in the cosmos: six novels, three books of non-fiction, and now, thanks to editors … Read more

The Wodehouse World: Low Comedy and the Incarnation

(with apologies to P.G. Wodehouse) “I say, Jeeves, these Wodehouse books are ripping. He’s got the stuff, what?” “Indubitably, sir.” “These dashed critics, complaining he writes the same thing over and over. Well, what I want to know is, what sort of a beef is that?” “Man is an ungrateful animal, sir.” “I mean, with … Read more

Facing the Facts: Is Phillip Berryman Losing Faith in Liberation Theology?

Partisans of liberation theology have accepted Phillip Berryman’s Liberation Theology (Pantheon, 1987) as a strong statement of their own beliefs. Yet in that book Berryman makes a crucial admission. He writes of liberation theologians: “If their social theory is fundamentally wrong, their whole enterprise is in jeopardy.” The liberation theologians did not develop this social … Read more

How Not to Debate Liberation Theology: Avoid the Real Argument

I have worked with Michael Novak on five books and countless articles, speeches, and columns. Like my predecessors, I occasionally wonder whether reviewers are reading different versions of Novak’s books than mine. Criticizing his, or anyone else’s views is usually helpful; such debate is the essence of civilization. But little is served by ignoring or … Read more

Nicaragua’s Cheerleaders

[The U.S. under Carter] tried very hard to build that new relationship [with the Sandinistas]. But the effort failed, principally, I believe, because the Sandinistas could not live with a positive image of the U.S. government. They did not try at all. And many in the United States cheered them on. (Lawrence E. Harrison, “We … Read more

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