Thomas J. Farrell

Thomas J. Farrell is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Writing Studies at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

recent articles

Democratic Capitalism and Psycho-Cultural Evolution

Some scholars consider culture from the standpoint of material wealth. They look at the entire world and divide the countries up into the first, the second, and the third worlds based on the development of material goods in the various countries. Other scholars measure the amount of wealth held by various persons in first world … Read more

On the Contraception/Abortion Mentality

Writing as an individual Catholic citizen who represents no other person or thing, Quentin L. Quade has argued three points about the political strategies employed by some Catholics who are against elective abortion (Catholicism in Crisis, Sept. 1983, pp. 14-16). Writing as an individual Catholic citizen who represents no other person or thing, I wish … Read more

Introducing Walter Ong, S.J.

Michael Novak says of Walter Ong: “His work is among the most important being done, and I don’t think he gets nearly the amount of attention he deserves” (personal correspondence dated June 8, 1983). My purpose here is to introduce those who are unfamiliar with him to Father Walter J. Ong of the Society of … Read more

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