Thomas Storck

Thomas Storck is the author of three books relating to Catholic social teaching and political thought. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including Caelum et Terra, the New Oxford Review, and The Chesterton Review, where he sits on the editorial board. An archive of Mr. Storck’s writings can be found at

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The Curious Controversy Over Natural Family Planning

When I entered the Church early in 1978 there was little enough discussion of natural family planning or of the Church’s teaching that use of contraceptives violated the law of God.  The Couple to Couple League had been founded just a few years earlier, and NFP was not a subject even written about much in … Read more

The Varieties of American Exceptionalism

This article originally appeared on Ethika Politika Lately Americans have been talking more explicitly than usual about what is called American exceptionalism.  For most of my lifetime not much was said about this directly.  Apparently most people just took it for granted and assumed that everyone believed it.  But now politicians think they have to … Read more

Corporate Personhood and 14th Amendment Rights

This article originally appeared on Ethika Politika One of the demands made by the Occupy Wall Street movement has been the ending of the legal fiction of personhood for business corporations.  This desire on the part of the Occupy movement is healthy, but the issue is actually more complicated than might at first appear. For corporate … Read more

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