Tom Gourlay

Tom Gourlay is the president and co-founder of the Dawson Society for Philosophy and Culture Inc. and the Manager of Campus Ministry at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in education from the University of Notre Dame Australia, and has worked as classroom teacher and faculty head of Religious Education in a number of Catholic schools in Western Australia. Tom is currently working towards a Masters degree in theology at The John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Studies in Melbourne, Victoria.

recent articles

Don’t Ignore Scripture on the Marriage Questions

So often in contemporary Catholic and Christian circles, there is a tendency to abandon any reference to Christ and his Church when debating thorny marriage issues in our culture. For those of us in Australia who have not suffered the judicial over-reaching that was witnessed in the US, the debate is still open. Yet, those … Read more

Saint John Paul II and Cardinal Kasper on Mercy and Holiness

With the Year of Mercy just around the corner, it is fitting to return to what is perhaps the greatest explication of the doctrine of mercy in recent years, that of Pope, now Saint, John Paul II in his encyclical Dives in Misericordia. Like Pope John Paul II before him, Pope Francis has made mercy … Read more

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