Tom Riley

For many years, Tom Riley was the Latin and literature teacher at Trinity Grammar and Prep in Napa, California. He is widely recognized as a poet of the formalist school.

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Bill Nye the Science Guy Kills His Brain to Promote a Lie

There really is something charming about Bill Nye the Science Guy. I’ve never been a fan by any measure: for one thing, I’m too old. But Nye’s screen persona has genuine appeal, and he really did help a generation of American kids develop an interest in science. So I was a bit upset when he … Read more

William Morris as Inspiration for Tolkien’s Literary Art

Most of those involved in Tolkien fandom, at any rate, know that William Morris exerted a profound literary effect on the development of The Lord of the Rings.  This is most evident, in the case of The House of the Wolfings, in the way that both works are organized as prose narratives with lengthy intervals … Read more

Ignatius of Loyola: Lycurgus of the Jesuits

People who read the classical authors either love or hate Plutarch.  I love him—and am in good company, since Shakespeare loved him, too. People who love Plutarch either love or hate his fondness for parallels between the Greeks and Romans.  I love it.  The modern mind rebels in the face of such simplification, but I … Read more

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