Tom Venzor

Tom Venzor is the Executive Director of the Nebraska Catholic Conference. He holds a J.D. (University of Nebraska College of Law), an M.A. in Philosophical Studies (Mount Saint Mary's University), and a B.A. in political science, philosophy, and religious studies (Doane University).

recent articles

Benedict Foresaw Today’s Revolutionary Iconoclasm

Recently, some American activists have ignited a movement to usher in an urgent iconoclasm of vile symbols of culture and history, such as the removal of statues bearing the likeness of General Robert E. Lee, inter alia. Whether these symbols ought to fall is an important question, and more astute thinkers have written on the … Read more

Justice Kennedy Creates Same-Sex “Marriage” Ex Nihilo

In Obergefell v. Hodges, America was once again confronted with the pseudo-philosophical and theological ruminations of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Though one’s initial, reasonable tendency would be to assess any court decision on legal grounds, Justice Kennedy’s opinion is founded on a constitutional jurisprudence that went awry long ago. Instead, perhaps the more appropriate hermeneutic for … Read more

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