Thomas D. Williams

Thomas D. Williams is the Rome Bureau Chief for Breitbart News. He is a Catholic moral theologian, professor of ethics and author of 15 books including his latest from Crisis Publications, The Coming Christian Persecution. Williams holds a doctorate in theology, a license in philosophy, and a BBA in business administration and economics.

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Did Pope Francis Put Migrant Safety Ahead of National Security?

On August 21, the Vatican released Pope Francis’s 2018 message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, a commemorative feast established by Pope Pius X in 1914. The message collects some of Francis’s now well-known considerations regarding migration, bringing them together into a four-point program: “to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate.” … Read more

When Ratzinger Said No: A History of the Kasper Proposal

Like the good German that he is, Cardinal Walter Kasper has a wonderful capacity of persistence. Like a dog with a bone, he is able to keep fighting against incredible odds long after a lesser man would have packed up his things and gone home. The case in point is, of course, the question of … Read more

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The Myth of Religious Toleration

The vehement, sometimes acrimonious debates that accompanied the drafting of the Vatican II declara­tion on religious freedom, Dignitatis Humanae, yield­ed an exceptionally precise and carefully worded docu­ment. Noteworthy in the 5,700-word declaration is the absence of even a single reference to religious “tolerance” or “toleration.” The choice of religious “freedom” or “liberty” as the proper … Read more

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