Bishops Conference

More Failures of Leadership from Bishops’ Conferences

Since the presidential election, I haven’t been watching the American news channels much, I haven’t had the heart. The US appears to be about to go over something they are calling the fiscal cliff because of Obama’s triumphalistic behavior: he won, so he’s not compromising with congressional Republicans who want much-needed public spending cuts, and … Read more

BREAKING: Bishops Conference withdraws from controversial civil rights coalition.

Deal Hudson and Matt Smith have been on fire over the USCCB’s membership in the controversial Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR). Deal wrote: There is nothing ambiguous about LCCHR’s lobbying activity on behalf of abortion, same-sex marriage, and “family planning.” All the items on the LCCHR Web site listed here affirm their … Read more

Thompson unhappy with English bishops’ silence

Damian Thompson at the Telegraph isn’t happy with the English bishops for their silence in the face of the sex education bill that went before Parliament a few days ago. The leglislation will require Catholic schools to provide information to students on how to access contraception and abortion. Thompson reports “an astonishingly ignorant and sneering … Read more

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