Catholic League

Media Bias Over Papal Canonizations

The satisfaction and indeed joy that Catholics can derive from the double canonization of Pope-Saints John XXIII and John Paul II cannot be significantly compromised by the objections that some have raised with respect to the Church’s action elevating the two of them to the honor of her altars. Still, it was disconcerting, for example, … Read more

Reclaiming America’s Religious—and Christian—Culture

Often today, we hear of Christians and other religious people engaged in struggles in the U.S. just to be able to project expressions of their faith into the public domain. Thus, for years now we have witnessed secularists of various stripes—those with a particular animosity toward anything religious—conduct a veritable assault on Christmas. The reports … Read more

Duelling Christmas billboards in NYC

Recently, the American Atheists put up this billboard along the route to the Lincoln Tunnel in New York City: David Silverman, the president of American Atheists, confuses me with his explanation for picking this particular battle now: “Every year, atheists get blamed for having a war on Christmas, even if we don’t do anything,” he … Read more

Mother Teresa Understands Why Mr. Malkin Turned Off the Lights

At Catholic Advocate, I’ve posted the remarks I made at the Catholic League’s rally in NYC last Thursday in front of the Empire State Building. The rally was well-attended, around 3000 people stretched down 39th street.  Bill Donohue was his usual bigger-than-life self, completely in his element introducing the seventeen speakers and keeping the proceedings … Read more

Get Thee to NYC on August 26th — I’ll Be There!

If you are able, I urge you to join Bill Donohue at the Catholic League rally in New York City on August 26 at the Empire State Building.  I will be there, I wouldn’t miss a chance to join the protest against the landlord who decided to pull the plug on the lights honoring Mother … Read more

Help the Catholic League Defend Mother Teresa

Please consider signing the Catholic League’s petition in response to the decision made by the owners of the Empire State Building to reverse an earlier decision to light its towers in white and blue on August 26, the day the U.S. Postal service issues a stamp honoring the 100th anniversary of her birth.    

Brit Hume Invites Tiger Woods to Meet Jesus Christ

By now most people know Fox News’s Brit Hume recommended Tiger Woods consider what Jesus Christ has to offer him in his difficult situation. Tiger Woods will recover as a golfer. Whether he can recover as a person I think is a very open question, and it’s a tragic situation for him. I think he’s lost his … Read more

Taking the Time to Act Like Christians

A few days ago I was asked to speak to a men’s group in Atlanta about Catholics in politics. As part of my presentation, I talked about the possibility of greater Catholic and Evangelical cooperation. To illustrate my point, I told the story about the reconciliation earlier this year between Pastor John Hagee and Catholic … Read more

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