Communion and Liberation

Recalling Luigi Giussani’s Passion for Christ

 Se ieri non sapevo, oggi ho incontrato Te… (I did not know my longing, till I encountered You…)  Il Disegno (The Design) It all began on a train with a group of students, a young priest, in a shared compartment.  What took place was a conversation about faith, a subject upon which the students, for … Read more

What to Hope For in a New Pope

Imagine members of the lay faithful being invited to instruct the cardinals who come to Rome to select a new pope.  They would be asked precisely whom they would choose as successor to St. Peter.  Of course the cardinals are not obliged to take counsel with mere mortals.  However avid some of us might be … Read more

The Modern Sexual “Martyr”

According to Christianity, we are made for communion. Created in the image of a God who is Divine Communion, we are made to give ourselves to and for others. Without Eve, for instance, Adam could not enter into the communio personarum and so was not fully able to bear the image of God. A recent … Read more

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